
walking through nightingale valley

Hike through the Nightingale Valley:
From Valeondades you can make a nice trip to the Nightingale Valley to Margarites, one of the 9 Nenedes, the original villages south of Agios Konstandinos. Of these villages only Valeondades has been preserved. Margarites is completely expired. Only a few houses are left. And of course, the church is still well maintained! Margarites was known for its sweet muscat wine and was therefore called the "golden margarites".

The land of milk and honey: the nightingale valley.

The land of milk and honey: the nightingale valley.

vineyard in the nightingale valley

wijngaard in de Nachtegalen Vallei

in the nightingale valley

in the nightingale valley

vineyard in the nightingale valley

vineyard in the nightingale valley

view from Valeondades on Manolates

view from Valeondades on Manolates

the old village kalderimi

the old village kalderimi

Landscape in the Nightingale Valley

Landscape in the Nightingale Valley